- “Re-entrant superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene”, University College, London, Thomas Young Center, workshop on “Moire twistronics”, August 2021.
- “Towards a theory of strange metals: emergent symmetries, general constraints, and experimental tests” , Max Planck Institute for Complex Physical Systems conference on “Topological Materials: from weak to strong correlations”, August 2021.
- Strange metals as ersatz fermi liquids: emergent symmetries, anomalies, and experimental tests, Harvard CMSA seminar series on “Strong Correlations and High Temperature Superconductivity”, Feb 2021.
- Towards a theory of strange conductors, Ultra-Quantum Matter Annual Meeting, Simons Foundation, Jan 2021.
- Strange metals as ersatz fermi liquids: emergent symmetries, anomalies, and experimental tests, Ultra-Quantum Matter seminar, Nov 2020.
- Composite Fermi Liquids and Non-commutative Field Theory, Frontiers in Quantum Matter Seminar, Oct 2020.
- Compressible Quantum Matter: General Constraints, Emergent Symmetries, and Anomalies, seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Oct 2020.
- Topology and correlations in moire graphene materials, ICFO-MIT Online Symposium on Emergent Phenomena in Moire Materials, July 2020.
- Neutral Fermi surfaces in electronic matter, Lecture 1 and Lecture 2, Condensed Matter in the City Online School, June 2020.
- Topology and correlations in moire graphene materials, Lecture 1 and Lecture 2, Princeton Center for Complex Materials Summer School, June 2020.
- (Non)-commutative field theories for some composite fermi liquids, Ultra-Quantum Matter Virtual Conference, June 2020.
- Some models and mechanisms for non-Fermi liquids, Aspen winter conference on `High Temperature Superconductivity – Unifying Themes in Diverse Materials”, Aspen, Jan 2018.
- Mixed valence insulators with neutral Fermi surfaces, workshop on “Novel Quantum States in Condensed Matter”, Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan, Nov 2018.
- Duality in condensed matter physics, APS Physics Next workshop on “From Quantum Fields to Condensed Matter”, Long Island, Aug 2017.
- Charge-vortex duality for fermions: a new window into strong correlation problems, plenary talk at “Strongly Correlated Electron Systems” conference, July 2017.
- Correlated topological insulators and quantum magnetism, Gordon conference on “Topological and Correlated Matter”, Hong Kong, June 2017.
- Deconfined quantum critical points: symmetries and dualities, Simons symposium on “Quantum Entanglement”, Germany, May 2017
- Dualities in condensed matter physics: Quantum Hall phenomena, topological insulator surfaces, and quantum magnetism, PCTS conference on “Quantum Hall Effect: Past, Present & Future’, Princeton, March 2017
- SPT and quantum spin liquid phases, Jerusalem Winter School lectures, Jan 2017,
- Symmetry enriched U(1) gauge theories, talk at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Nov 2016.
- Topological, gapless, and critical matter: More and the same, conference on “Topological Quantum Matter”, KITP, Santa Barbara, Oct 2016.
- Quantum spin liquids near the Mott transition, Gordon conference on “Conductivity and Magnetism in Magnetic Materials”, Mt. Holyoke college, Aug 2016.
- Composite Fermi Liquids in the Lowest Landau Level, conference on “”Connecting Few-body and Many-body Pictures of Fractional Quantum Hall Physics”, ITAMP, Harvard, July 2016.
- Symmetry Protected Topological Phases of Matter, lectures at Cornell summer school on “Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials”, June 2016.
- Composite Fermi Liquids in the Lowest Landau Level, conference on “Hot topics in Cold Atoms”, UC Berkeley, May 2016.
- Symmetry Protected Topological Phases of Matter, MIT-Weizmann conference, Weizmann Institute, Israel, May 2016.
- From quantum spin liquids to composite fermi liquids through topological insulators, CIFAR Quantum Materials Annual meeting, Toronto, April 2016.
- Half-filled Landau level and topological insulator surfaces, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, March 2016.
- Time reversal symmetric U(1) quantum spin liquids, workshop on “Topological Phenomena in Novel Quantum Matter: Laboratory Realization of Relativistic Fermions and Spin Liquids”, Max Planck Institute for Complex Physical Systems, Dresden, March 2016.
- Quantum intertwined orders beyond Landau-Ginzburg, poster at “Intertwined orders in strongly correlated systems” meeting, Laguna Beach, Jan 2016.
- Half-filled Landau level, topological insulator surfaces, and three dimensional quantum spin liquids, discussion meeting on “New questions in quantum field theory from condensed matter”, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, India, Dec 2015.
- Half-filled Landau level, topological insulator surfaces, and three dimensional quantum spin liquids, Banff workshop on “Strongly Interacting Topological Phases”, Banff, Sept 2015.
- Continuous quantum Mott and related transitions, SPICE workshop on “Bad metal behavior in Mott systems”, Mainz, Germany, July 2015.
- Non-local quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter, Chandrasekhar lectures, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, India, Jan 2015.
- Are non-fermi liquids stable to pairing?, Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences PI Meeting, Aug 2014.
- Interacting electronic topological insulators in 3 dimensions, conference on “Topology and Entanglement in Correlated Quantum Systems”, Max Planck Institute for Complex Physical Systems, Dresden, July 2014.
- Superconductivity near the Mott transition, 2 lectures at the Boulder summer school on Modern Aspects of Superconductivity, July 2014.
- Spin density wave glasses, conference on “Overarching Issues in the Theory of Highly Correlated Electron Fluids”, Kivelsonfest, Stanford, June 2014.
- (Effective) Field Theory and Emergence in Condensed Matter, conference on “Field Theoretic Computer Simulations for Particle Physics and Condensed Matter” , Boston University, May 2014.
- Non-Fermi Liquids: Slave particles and beyond, conference on “Non-fermi liquid metals”, Stanford University, April 2014.
- Interacting electronic topological insulators in 3 dimensions, conference on “Symmetry in Topological Phases”, Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences, Princeton University, March 2014.
- Interacting electronic topological insulators in 3 dimensions, conference on “Emergence in Complex Systems”, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada, Feb 2014
- Quantum spin liquids and continuous metal-insulator transitions, conference on “Quantum Criticality: Experiment and Theory”, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany, Sept 2013.
- Interacting Topological Insulators in 3 dimensions: classification and properties, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada, Aug 2013.
- Continuous Metal-Insulator Transitions and quantum spin liquids, conference on “Bad Metals and Mott quantum criticality”, Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, POSTECH, Pohang, S. Korea, July 2013.
- SPT: a window into highly entangled phases, Summer Forum on “Interplay of Symmetry and Topology in Condensed Matter Physics:, Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, July 2013.
- Interacting topological insulators of bosons and fermions, Summer Forum on “Interplay of Symmetry and Topology in Condensed Matter Physics:, Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, July 2013.
- Bosonic topological insulators and quantum spin liquids, Emergence and Entanglement II, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada, May 2013.
- Twisted Hubbard model for Sr2IrO4: Magnetism and Possible High Temperature Superconductivity, APS March Meeting, Baltimore, March 2013.
- Topological Insulators of bosons/spins, Symposium on “Novel Topological Quantum Matter”, Univ of Texas, Dallas, Feb 2013.
- Topological Insulators of bosons/spins, Simons symposium on “Quantum entanglement: from quantum matter to string theory”, Caneel Bay, U.S Virgin Islands, Feb 2013.
- Topological Insulators of bosons/spins, workshop on Topological Materials and Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dec 2012.
- Quantum Spin Liquids and Continuous Metal-Insulator Transitions, KITP conference on Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids, Santa Barbara, Oct 2012.
- Stripe melting and quantum criticality in correlated metals, Center for Quantum Materials inaugural conference, Toronto, Sept 2012.
- Quantum spin liquids and the Mott transition, KITP workshop on Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids, Santa Barbara, August 2012.
- Integer Quantum Hall Effect for bosons: A physical realization, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada, July 2012.
- Remarks on Sr2IrO4 and its relatives, Kentucky iridate meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, April 2012.
- Quantum spin liquids and the Mott transition, Aspen Winter Conference, Feb 2012
- Exotic Quantum Phases and Phase Transitions, MIT Theoretical Physics Retreat, Plymouth, New Hampshire, Jan 2012. livepage.apple.com
- Non-fermi liquid metals: some facts, ideas, and speculations, workshop on “Holographic Duality and Condensed Matter Physics”, KITP, Santa Barbara, Oct 2011
- Decohering the Fermi Liquid: A dual approach to the Mott Transition, Strongly Interacting Electrons in Low Dimensions: New Orders, Symmetries, and Excitations, Princeton University, Sept 2011.
- Overview of Landau and non-Landau quantum critical points: Field Theories and Microscopic Models, Workshop on Synergies between Field Theory and Exact Computational Methods in Strongly Correlated Quantum Matter, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July 2011.
- Quantum spin liquids and the Mott transition, conference on “Novel Phenomena in Frustrated Systems”, Santa Fe, May 2011.
- Twisted Hubbard model for Sr2IrO4: magnetism and possible high temperature superconductivity, workshop on “Unconventional superconductivity”, Minnesota, April 2011.
- Doped Mott insulators and high-Tc superconductivity, Three lectures (Part I and Parts II and III) at the Indian Condensed Matter School, Mysore, India, Dec 2010.
- Superconductor-Mott insulator transitions, workshop on “Superconductor-Insulator Transitions”, Argonne National Laboratories, Nov 2010.
- Superconductivity in iridates? Remarks on (un)doped Sr2IrO4, meeting on superconductivity of Quantum Materials program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Whistler, Canada, Oct 2010.
- Quantum spin liquids and the Mott Transition, Nordita workshop on Quantum Solids, Liquids, and Gases, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 2010.
- Quantum spin liquids and the Mott Transition, plenary talk at conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism, Baltimore, Aug 2010.
- How might a Fermi surface die? Unconventional quantum criticality in metals, “Condensed Matter in the City” meeting, London, July 2010.
- Unconventional quantum criticality in metals and insulators, APS March Meeting, Portland, March 2010.
- Physics of the underdoped cuprates: A phenomenological synthesis and a microscopic theory, conference on Recent Progress in Many Body Theories, Columbus, Ohio, July 2009.
- Quantum spin liquids and the Mott Transition, workshop on “Topological order: From Quantum Hall Systems to Magnetic Materials”, Dresden July 2009.
- Physics of the underdoped cuprates: A phenomenological synthesis and a microscopic theory, KITP conference on “Critical Issues Related to Higher Temperature Superconductivity, Santa Barbara, June 2009.
- Killing the Fermi surface: some ideas on the strange metal, Fermi arcs, and other phenomena , Cuprate fermiology workshop, University of Maryland, Nov 2008.
- Critical Fermi surfaces and non-fermi liquid metals, workshop on “Quantum Critical Phenomena”, Toronto (Sept 2008), Trieste workshop on Strongly Correlated Materials and Atom traps (Aug 2008), Gordon conference on “Correlated electron systems”, New Hampshire (June 2008), Workshop on “Unconventional Phases and Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”, Dresden (June 2008), Quantum magnetism workshop, Minneapolis (May 2008).
- Three lectures on “Exotic phases and Unconventional Quantum Criticality”, Parts I and II, and Part III, Boulder condensed matter school (July 2008).
- Algebraic charge liquids and the underdoped cuprates, APS March Meeting, New Orleans (2008)
- Three lectures on “Non-fermi liquids and quantum criticality”, Part I, Part II, Part III, Indian Condensed Matter Workshop 2007, Goa, India (November 2007).
- Angle dependent quasiparticle weight in heavy fermion metals, KITP Motterials Conference, Santa Barbara (Sept 2007)..
- Quantum spin fluid states of frustrated quantum magnets, SCES 2007, Houston (May 07).
- Superconducting algebraic holon liquids, CIAR Workshop, Vancouver (May 2007)
- Fluctuating quantum spin nematics, KITP Correlated Atoms Workshop, Santa Barbara (April 2007).
- Spin fluid and spin nematic states in frustrated quantum magnets, ICTP Workshop, Trieste (August 2006).
- Competing orders, non-linear sigma models and topological terms in two dimensions, KITP Topological Order and Quantum Computing Workshop, Santa Barbara (March 2006).
- Neel order, quantum spin liquids, and quantum critical scaling in underdoped cuprates, KIAS Conference, Seoul (October 2005).
- Ordering in Cs2CuCl4: is there a proximate spin liquid?, Gauge theories in condensed matter workshop, Aspen (July 2005).
- Quantum criticality beyond the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson paradigm, Mottness and quantum criticality workshop, Tobago (June 2005).
- Are the cuprates doped spin liquid Mott insulators?, Asia-Pacific Workshop, Beijing (May 2005).
- Quantum phase transitions out of the heavy Fermi liquid, Yukawa Institute Workshop, Kyoto (Nov 2004).
- Deconfined quantum criticality(Santa Fe, August 2004)
- Are the cuprates doped spin liquids? (Aspen, August 2004)
- Deconfined quantum criticality(Trieste, July 2004, and Gordon Conference June 2004)
- Deconfined quantum criticality and underdoped cuprates (KITP Exotic Order Conference, June 2004)